Statement Selected Car Investment Management ApS does not consider the negative impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors.

1.0 Introduction
At Selected Car Investment Management ApS, we manage alternative investment funds in the form of companies where investors can purchase a share. The correct terminology for such investment companies is AIF (Alternative Investment Fund), but in everyday language, this type of investment is commonly known as a pooled investment. Selected Car pooled investment companies invest exclusively in very rare and exclusive car models with a long investment horizon. The only distinction between the pools is the cars they invest in. The pools do not have a sustainable investment objective.

2.0 Decision and Justification
We recognize that nearly all economic activities can potentially have negative sustainability impacts, including car investments. However, we have decided not to report the negative impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors, as the preparation and maintenance of such documentation are considered disproportionate to the investments. We are concerned that gathering, calculating, and maintaining the required documentation could harm the financial sustainability of our investments, ultimately affecting our investors without proportionally reducing potential negative ESG factors.
This decision must be understood in the context of our business model, where a few rare cars are purchased for their potential value appreciation. The cars have inherently had a negative environmental impact during their production, but there is no upstream emissions data available, as the cars were produced before ESG requirements were implemented. The cars have no direct environmental impact during the investment period as they are not driven. Additionally, we do not have direct influence over other ESG factors, as administration and related activities are handled by others, including employees within the group.
3.0 Reassessment
As part of the Selected Car Group, we are strongly committed to considering sustainability risks across the group. The group will present its first ESG report for the 2024/2025 financial year.
Should the purpose and/or business model of the pools change, or should a decision be made at the group level, we will reassess our decision not to account for the negative impacts of investment decisions.
4.0 Disclosure
This statement is published in accordance with Article 4, Section 1(b) of the Disclosure Regulation.
5.0 Responsibility for this Statement
9th of september 2024 |
Responsible: CEO Jens Christian Tangbæk |
Contact information: [email protected] Phone: +45 30 58 41 31 |
Approved by: Chairman of the Board Mikkel Hammershøj |